Environmental Working Group Apps

EWG's Healthy Living
EWG gives you the information to make smarter choices.
EWG's Conservation Tracker 1.0
The EWG Conservation Tracker is intendedtodocument the occurrence of specific conservation practices – orthelack of those practices where needed – as outlined intheConservation Practices reference portion of this guide. The appisdesigned to highlight both effective and ineffectiveconservationpractices. By employing the practical knowledge of ourselectedusers to identify and document conservation on the ground,we hopeto create a visual resource to better communicate thecomplexitiesof conservation to the general public. By providing theapp, wehope to enable you to employ your expertise to document the“story”of specific practices—from the need for a practice toitsimplementation, maintenance issues (good and bad), andevenremoval. While the forms are designed primarily tocaptureinformation about the practices listed in theConservationPractices section, an “other” option is also availableshould yousee another relevant conservation story we hadn’tconsidered thatshould be documented. For purposes of thisapplication, we refer toeach instance of a practice being reportedas a “record” ofconservation. The instructions that follow walk youthrough theprocess of creating, saving and filing a recordreport.